Blog Archive

Saturday, April 3, 2021

First Major Donation

Today has been truly an AMAZING day! Never in a thousand years did we think we would be where we are today, but God has shown us when you give your life to Him and trust and believe in all His words, He will open doors that no man can close. We have received our very first MAJOR DONATION! 12 pallets of cereal made by Post, and just as we have been blessed, we are going to bless so many individuals and families. We will visiting various neighborhoods and surrounding areas to make prepackaged drop offs. If you or anyone you know doesn't catch us then, and you need some cereal for yourself, families, etc., please don't hesitate to contact us via email at, telephone (912) 312-9860, or facebook on our page Grace Oliveira or business page One Hand Washes the Other, Inc. and we will drop it off.

Annual Back Pack Giveaway 2024